GEO 103 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Demographic Transition, Doubling Time, Infant Mortality

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Focuses on human intentions and symbolic meanings: structural geography i. e. marxism. Studies historical processes and political organization of economic activities e. g. control and distribution of resources: poststructuralism how discourse shape economic activities e. g. media, news emphasizes culture, language and representation. First world (western europe, north america, japan, australia, nz) Second world (former soviet union, eastern europe, china) planned development, communist or socialist states. Fourth world (< per capita per year) ldc least developed countries. Many parts of africa, asia, haiti in the western hemisphere. Relative: perception of distance, influences of transport and communication technologies. Different types of economic systems: capitalist economies (laissez-faire) Private ownership of production (i. e. factors of production) Competition (keeps prices down: command economies. Factors of production owned by central government (govt. ) Govt decides what, where and how-to product and consume. E. g. collectivization of farming (who are the buyers?) Hinders individual incentives, economic and political freedom: mixed economic systems. Between (1) and (2) e. g. france, scandinavia, canada.