COM 101 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Interpersonal Communication, Linguistics, Nonverbal Communication

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Study guide: evolution of the study of comm in american higher education. The tradition of argument, debate, and persuasive speaking are carried into the higher education in the usa. 7 liberal arts trivium formed with grammar and logic, rhetoric. Quadrivium formed by metric, music, geometry and astronomy. Departmentalization (speech instruction with english) away to philological history and literacy criticism. Harold lasswell: the first program of comm research, propaganda technique, a history of comm study, movement to integrate social science research with policy issues. Paul lazarsfeld: initiated the media effects tradition, the dominant paradigm, advanced survey methodology techniques, created the prototype university-based research institute. Kurt lewin: interpersonal or group comm, balance theories of social psy, put theory into action using social scientific theory. Carl hovland: examine comm at the dyadic or one-to-one level, scientific study of persuasion, willbur schramm, founder of comm research, 3 graduate programs, abstraction.