SOC 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stanford Prison Experiment, Collective Effervescence, Path Dependence

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Generalized other: what is appropriate and when it is appropriate. Mead"s idea of self: not a thing but a process of interaction. Coole(cid:455)"s looking glass self: our own understandings come from how others see us. Statuses: set off from others; have roles and behaviors. Significant others: close enough to motivate our behaviors. Role models: influences and acts as a reference for how to act. Reference groups: individuals with similar preferences and are influential. Role strain: having two roles under one status: studying for multiple tests. Role conflict: having two roles under two statuses: work and school. Role overload: having multiple roles under multiple statuses. Stanford prison experiment: prison guards vs. inmates conformity (shut down. Power and privilege: ability to influence behaviors of others vs ability or right to special. Dominant vs subordinate groups access to opportunities rewards/prevent existing privileges from eroding your mouth when sneezing. Subordinate: subjected to inferior status and limited opportunities.