PY 105- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 53 pages long!)

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A need or desire that energizes and directs behavior! a. ) An instinct is a fixed (rigid and predictable) pattern of behavior that is not acquired by learning and is likely to be rooted in genes and the body. A drive is an aroused/tense state related to a physical need such as hunger or thirst b. ) Humans are motivated to reduce these drives, such as eating to reduce the feeling of hunger. Motivating food: genetic factors play a large role in weight, hormones: leptin and ghrelin. A protein in the blood that influences the hypothalamus. Characterized by an excessive fear if becoming fat and thus a refusal to eat b. ) Individuals view themselves as fat despite being underweight c. ) isabelle caro. Individuals bing at least twice weekly, but do not purge b. ) Many are obese, more common among males and ethnic minorities. Presence of a shared dysfunctional executive profile in women with an and unaffected family members a. )