PY 105 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Olanzapine, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Conscientiousness

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Memory- the nervous system"s capacity to acquire and retain usable skills and knowledge. Operates in three phases: encoding: the processing of info. so that it can be stored, storage: the retention of encoded representations over time, retrieval: the act of recalling or remembering stored info. when it is needed. In 1953, doctors took a radical surgical approach to quiet the seizures of henry m. The surgery caused him to lose the ability to remember things over long periods of time. Deep processing automatically leads to better recall: why? a. ) Relating things to memories will increase the likeliness of remembering. Nursery rhymes, spelling, yesterday"s lunch: primacy vs. recency effect. Stimuli in working memory activate specific nodes in long-term memory, making retrieval easier. Red, vehicle, emergency: fire truck: elaboration enhances memory. Retrieval cues- internal states that help us access stored information; helps recall information in lt memory.