[PY 105] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 140 pages long Study Guide!

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Research methods (in class: hypothesis: what they think will happen. May have more than one: prediction: ideas or concepts used to explain an observation & to predict, research- collection of data! Standardized approach to research: people can replicate what you did and be able to find what you found. Rule out other answers: makes it easier to determine what is actually happening. Aka observational study: observing and noting behavior. Naturalistic: remain separated from the data, you aren"t involved with the people, basic info from people from like a survey. Participant observation: you get involved with it, observer loses objectivity. You may get too involved and then you aren"t objective: reactivity. They know you are watching them then they won"t act the same. Longitudinal design: a really long time. Cross-sectional design: you take data from all different types of people, may take different ages, different genders, section of each group you are interested in study.