PY 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Absolute Threshold, Neuroglia, Action Potential

91 views6 pages
15 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Memory: system that encodes, stores, and retrieves information. Humans have a cognitive memory system that is selective and occasionally biased in taking information from stimuli and converting it into meaningful patterns we later access. Core concept: human memory is an information processing system that works constructively to encode, store, and retrieve information. Human memory can be like several of the following: Perceptions: memories represent these of events rather than being accurate or objective representations of the events themselves. Information processing model: systematic changes information undergoes on its way to becoming a permeant memory. Memory is functional: encodes, stores, and retrieves information. Encoding: classification of stimulus, identifying distinctive features, mentally tag/label an experience to make it meaningful (often automatic) Elaboration: attempt to connect a new concept with existing information in memory. Ex; negative reinforcement with the removal of pain after taking aspirin. Failure to elaborate often results in memory errors.