PSC 203 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dependent And Independent Variables, Mercantilism, Family Values

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16 Feb 2019

Document Summary

This study guide is meant to prepare you for the midterm exam. This study guide is based off of the lecture notes and other study guides that we have been provided. Chapters 1-5 of cases and concepts in comparative politics: an integrated approach. Be sure to read those chapters and case studies along with reviewing this study guide. Chapter 1: what is comparative political science, comparative political science the study and comparison of domestic politics across different countries. Trump since 2016 while usa"s regime has been a democracy since 1776. Ideological beliefs not being represented, minority in control, fundamentalism, etc. Led to the creation of the un, which helped reduce the number of issues regarding sovereignty, however, issues still arise. Industrial revolution led to state control growing as a result of new technology: gives states an increased ability to coerce and control, ex: creation of telegraphs, telephone, nuclear weapons, etc. Leads to the idea of no private property.