PSC 101 Final: Examreview-2

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In a country with a ___ system minor parties play a much more significant role in electoral politics. Proportional representation (seats apportioned by percentage of vote) Because we do not have a proportional representation but single-member district plurality (smdp) Political ideologies- 2 main in us conservatism and american liberalism. Liberals: government action needs to achieve equal opportunity and equality. Partisanship and ideology is more connected now than ever before. Lower voting turnout in the us due to many barriers. Voter motor" law combines the process of getting your license and registering to vote. Made a restriction to the voting rights act. Result: states have removed provisions such as same-day voter registration, online voting, etc. Making it more difficult to vote- primarily to vote, primarily minorities are affected by this. States could now make changes to their voting laws. 115th: most diversion, but still not demographically representative.