NHM 201 Midterm: NHM 201 Exam 2 Study Guide - Infancy to Childhood

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Assessment of newborn health status and growth. Aga - a ppropriate for gestational age. Sga - s mall for gestational age / iugr - i ntrauterine g rowth r etardation. Lga - l arge for gestational age. Newborns grow faster than any other time of life. Head position: infant"s eyes are looking straight up and the head is in midline, touching the headboard. Heel is measurement with foot at against the footboard. At the widest part of the head. Control of voluntary muscles from top down and central to periphery. Learn to recognize and understand infant cues. Critical period : xed time in which certain behaviors/developments emerge. Energy- needs for infants are the highest per pound of body weight. Breast milk contains about 55% calories from fat. Contains short-chain and medium-chain fas, which makes it easier to digest and utilize. Need cholesterol for gonad and brain devo. Start supplements at 4 months if exclusively breastfed.