MGT 300 Quiz: MGT 300 Exam 1 Study Guide

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Document Summary

Intellectual competency x commitment = intellectual capital: what you can offer an employer in terms of brainpower, skills, and capabilities, an asset that can be used to transform human creativity, insight, and decision making. Knowledge worker people who think of business in new ways and are rewarded for it. Job involves handling/using information: minds are a critical asset, not just physical capabilities. How national boundaries are viewed today people change jobs more often, many people work on independent contracts with a shifting mix of employers. Most businesses operate as a global business serving customers around the globe. They source material and talent wherever in the world it can be found at the lowest cost. Characteristics of a free-agent economy mastery, networking, entrepreneurship, technology, marketing, renewal, self-management: many people work on independent contracts with a shifting mix of employers. What managers do help others achieve work outcomes, supports and is responsible for the work of others.