HD 462 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Active Listening, Androgyny, Nonverbal Communication

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Social cognition: discuss why first impressions often are automatic, influenced by demographic or stereotypic cues, and resistant to change. They influence our judgments of others for a long time. Everybody we meet fits some category of people about whom we already hold stereotyped first impressions. The first information we obtain about others carries special weight, influencing our interpretations of the later information we encounter: discuss the role confirmation bias plays in establishing new relationships and perpetuating initial assessments of existing relationships. We"re more likely to pursue information that will confirm our beliefs than to inquire after data that could prove them wrong: specify how positive illusions can benefit our relationships. We often judge our lovers with positive illusions that portray them in the best possible light, emphasizing their positive qualities and minimizing their faults. Relationship enhancing attributions help maintain relationship satisfaction by giving partners credit for their kindnesses and explaining away their misbehavior.