HD 382 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Prosocial Behavior, Reinforcement, The Technique

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26 Jul 2018

Document Summary

Showing child favoritism which leads to competition between or among their children: the double standard, requiring standards of behavior from children while modeling other standards. If the parent"s typical response to a child"s misbehavior is to provide attention, then attention is probably the underlying goal: power. If the parent usually becomes angry and loses control, then the underlying goal of the child is most likely to engage the parent in a power struggle to gain or regain power: revenge. I-messages: conflict negotiation, to establish who owns the problem, one needs to determine who is distressed by the situation. In that situation, the most effective technique to use for communicating the parent"s feelings to the child is a three-part i-message. In active listening, the parent listens to and reflects back (in the parent"s own words): the feelings of the child, the content of the child"s message the parent thinks is being expressed. Judging, criticizing, blaming: praising, buttering up, name call, ridiculing.