GY 105- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 17 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Geography is the science of describing the earth . Geo = earth + graphia = writing. Areal differentiation: the description and explanation of differences that distinguish one. Areal integration: the study of connections of places and how they interact. All inquiry has a sense of scale. Important to recognize interactivity and interconnectivity between local, regional, and global scales. Cultural landscape: the visible, material expression of human settlement, past and. Formal region: area defined by some aspect of physical form or cultural feature. Functional region: area defined by a certain activity (or cluster activities) Vernacular region: area defined in people"s minds as spatial stereotypes. Globalization: the increasing interconnectedness of people and places through converging economic, technological, political, and cultural activities. Globalized economy has led to increased environmental problems. Immigrants from africa and asia have altered western europe. Poor countries also receiving immigrants from even poorer countries. Formation of regional and economic and political organizations.