HHE 378 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Diarrhea, Gigantism, Boxed Warning

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Negative reinforcement: the act (drug taking) is followed by the removal of withdrawal syndromes, leading to further strengthening of the habit: toxicity, acute toxicity- overdose. Opioid triad- coma, depressed respiration, and pinpoint pupils: chronic toxicity- no scientific evidence of chronic toxicity, table 13. 2, signs. Increase in above signs plus pupil dilation, goose bumps, Tremors, hot and cold flashes, aching bones and muscles, Increased intensity of above, plus curled up position, vomiting, 48-72: life of a heroin user: 3-4 injections per day. Etiology of mental illness largely unknown: anxiety disorders- mental disorders characterized by excessive worry, fears, or avoidance. Treatment indicated when anxiety interferes with daily living. Often treated with cns depressants (benzos) sometimes treated with antidepressants: types of anxiety disorders- ocd, ptsd, general anxiety, social anxiety, psychoses- a serious mental disorder involving a loss of contact with reality. Organic disorder is one that has a known physical cause (brain tumor, alcohol and drug abuse).