HHE 378 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Chronic Toxicity, Anxiolytic, Methyl Group

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Excreted unchanged from the body (usually in urine) or 2. It may be chemically changed so that it no longer has the same effect on the body: kidneys: kidneys operate in two-stages. First step is water and most of the small and water-soluble molecules are filtered out. Such as drugs that increase cyp450 and other ways of increasing elimination of the drug: behavioral tolerance: tolerance caused by learned adaption to drug. Such as drunk drivers learning to drive while drunk or speak clearly: pharmacodynamics tolerance: tolerance caused by altered nervous system sensitivity leads to not only reduced effectiveness of the drug but also to withdrawal reaction. Such as the cns being constantly held in a depressed state from alcohol abuse so the brain would compensate by reducing the amount of inhibitory neurotransmitter gaba. This is a homeostatic mechanism: stimulants, cocaine: the active chemical in the coca plant, history of cocaine: inca would use coca leaves to overcome fatigue.