[BSC 385] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (97 pages long)

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Why should i care: natural resource management (e. g. , the relationship between biodiversity and (cid:862)e(cid:272)osyste(cid:373) servi(cid:272)es(cid:863), environmental problems (e. g. , climate change, pollution, invasive species, human health (e. g. , emerging diseases, antibiotic resistance, gene x environment interactions, senescence) What is ecology: ecology is the study of the interactions between an organism and its biological and physical environment, abiotic (physical) environment, temperature, water availability, soil, salinity, nutrients, biotic (biological) environment, predators, prey, parasites, pathogens, symbionts. The concept of model system: basic biology and natural history of a species well known, possess specific features that allow addressing a specific question, amenable to experimental manipulation. What does teleology mean: the explanation of phenomena by the purpose they serve rather than by postulated causes, rabbits evolved to rub fast so that they didn"t get eaten by foxes . Darwin"s new ideas: descent with modification, change through time, common ancestry.