BSC 215 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tetracycline, Sister Chromatids, Protein Folding

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Internal environment is determined by physiological variables: ex: temperature, blood glucose concentration, osmotic balance, Ion= charged particle: can be elements or molecules, have an unequal number of protons and electrons, more protons=positive charge, more electrons=negative charge. Enzymes, water, acids, and bases learning objectives: understand the notation and basic energetics of chemical bond formation, chemical reaction= chemical bonds are broken. Formed, of rearranged or electrons are transferred between atoms: types, decomposition, breaking down, larger to smaller, synthesis, building, adding two things to create one, exchange, moving around atoms within reactants, ex: (ab+cd=ac+bd) Isotonic: ratio of water and solute is equal on each side of membrane. Identical axoneme to secondary cilia (9+2: longer and stiffer, beat in an undulating motion, centrioles, direct cytokinesis rearrangement, shoot out microtubules, ex: mitotic spindle, control center of microtubules. Is released/ when trna is not in a site: elongation cycle continues until the ribosome reaches an mrna codon called the stop codon (could be.