BSC 215 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cytosine, Low-Density Lipoprotein, Symporter

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Chapter 1: major themes of anatomy & physiology. Examination of physiology comparative physiology- study of how different species solved problems of life; usually the basis for the development of new drugs; animal research. Aristotle- wrote about a&p supernatural causes= theology natural causes= physici. On the parts of animals reductionism- theory that the large, complex human body can be understood by studying its smaller components; highly productive approach. Italian influence as parts of the body were once believed to be influenced by the zodiac. Mainmonides was a jewish physician that was not only an honored rabbi but also wrote 10 medical books. Avicenna was a muslim medical scholar and author of the canon of medicine. Andreas vesalius- focused on anatomy; from italy the term barber comes from barber-surgeon, who, as a professor spoke, would remove the mentioned decaying organs from a cadaver for the class to see. William harvey- focused on physiology studied blood circulation as well as embryology.