BSC 120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Prostate, Cell Membrane, Acrosome

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BSC 120 Final Studyguide
I. Chapters 46 and 47 – Human Reproduction
a. Males
i. Sperm
1. Production
a. Carries genetic info
b. Produced by meiosis
c. Mature in epididymis (atop testes)
i. Outside of the body in scrotum (lower temp)
d. Testes secrete testosterone that is responsible for triggering
sperm production activated as humans go through puberty
2. Structure
a. Head
i. Nucleus
ii. Acrosome
1. Sac penetrates mucus coating of egg and
gets plasma membrane of sperm into contact
with plasma membrane of egg
2. Fertilization – first sperm to make plasma
membrane contact with egg
a. First contact drives other suitors
b. Body
i. Mitochondrion – ATP – doesn’t go into egg
c. Tail (Epistocom)
i. Flagellum
3. Delivery
b. Females
i. Egg Production
1. Only one female gamete matures each month
a. At birth a female’s ovaries contain 2 million primary
oocytes (these are all the ones present for entire life)
b. In holding pattern until hormonal signal out of pituitary
gland tells it to mature
sperms move
through vas
deference to
Sperms mixed
with secretions
from seminal
vesicle and
prostate gland
gland secretes
flippery fluid
that neutralizes
acidity of any
residual urine
and lubricates
the head of the
Adjusts pH to
make it more
alkaline (great
acidity of
Sperm goes to
ejector duct
(urine and
sperm both
pushes semen
duct and
closes off
Stimulation of
tactal tissue
300 million
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BSC 120 Final Studyguide
i. Hormone signals produce estrogen that produce
menstrual cycle
1. Release of epithelial lining (blood-type
lining) in preparation for impregnation
2. If egg is not fertilized, the endometrium
(uterine lining) is shed each reproductive
2. During the reproductive cycle, one of the oocytes is initiated to
continue their development in a process called ovulation
3. During ovulation a secondary oocyte is ejected from a follicle and
moves into the oviduct where fertilization typically happens
a. Follicle produces estrogen
ii. Fertilization
1. Bartholin gland provides lubricant to help penis enter vagina
2. Fertilization brings haploid nuclei of sperm and egg together,
forming a diploid zygote
a. Takes place in oviduct (fallopian tubes)
i. Egg has 24 hours from time of ovulation to be
b. Tubular pregnancy – if blastocyst that develops from
zygote does not successfully leave oviduct
c. Development
i. First Trimester
1. Most radical change
2. Embryo to fetus
3. Size of poppy seed to plum
4. Implantation
a. Endometrium grows over blastocyst
b. Embryo releases hCG that prevents menstruation
5. Placenta formed from trophoblast, mesodermal cells from epiblast,
and adjacent endometrial tissue
6. By the end of gastrulation, the embryonic germ layers have formed
7. Embryo obtains nutrients directly from endometrium
a. Mother’s arteries carry oxygenated blood and baby’s
arteries carry deoxygenated blood
8. Twins
a. Splitting of embryo during first month of development
b. Release and fertilization of 2 eggs
9. Organogenesis – development of body organs
10. Morphogenesis
a. Specific changes in cell shape, position, and adhesion
ii. Second Trimester
1. Pregnancy becomes obvious
2. Cranium largest part
3. Differentiation of gonads – determine sex
iii. Third Trimester
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BSC 120 Final Studyguide
1. Complex interplay of local regulators and hormones induces and
regulates labor
d. Birth
i. Dilation of cervix
ii. Infant attached to placenta via umbilical cord
iii. Surfactants in lungs must be cleared after birth
iv. Placenta must be delivered after birth
II. Chapters 48 and 49 – The Nervous System
a. Neuron- basic unit of nerve cell
i. Nerve cells specialized for carrying chemical signals and electrical signals
from one part of the body to another
ii. If a neuron is destroyed, it is not replaced
iii. Glial cells support neurons and modify neuronal communication
1. Outnumber neurons 50:1
2. Divide and replace and provide nourishment for neurons (carbs
that it can metabolize)
3. Some keep brain from being infected and maintain cerebral fluid
4. Glial cell tumors are the most common tumors (no cure)
5. Types
a. Microglia – protect
b. Oligodendrocytes – axon myelination (CNS)
c. Schwann Cells – axon myelination (PNS)
d. Astrocytes – support, release neurotransmitters
iv. 3 types of neurons
1. Sensory neurons – sensory input
2. Interneurons – integrate info
3. Motor neurons – function in motor output
4. Effectors perform the body’s responses to motor output – muscles
or glands
b. Overview of Animal Nervous Systems
i. Nervous system forms a communication and coordination network
throughout an animal’s body
1. Receives info – input
2. Process info – integration
3. Send out info – output
ii. Cell body
1. Houses the nucleus and other organelles
2. Has mitochondria and golgi
3. Two types of extensions project from cell body:
a. Dendrites
i. Receive incoming messages from other cells
ii. Convey info toward cell body
1. Can only move in one direction
b. Axons
i. Transmit signals toward another neuron or toward
an effector (axon, muscle cell, or gland)
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Document Summary

Bulbourethral gland secretes flippery fluid that neutralizes acidity of any residual urine and lubricates the head of the penis: adjusts ph to make it more alkaline (great acidity of vagina) Sperm goes to ejector duct (urine and sperm both present: muscle pushes semen along ejaculatory duct and closes off urethra. Stimulation of tactal tissue (cascular dilation: 300 million sperms ejaculated. During intercouse sperms move through vas deference to urethra. Atp needed: graded potential local event voltage gated channel opens, na+ moves in (to transmit has to reach a threshold) Bsc 120 final studyguide: action potential traveling long distance depolarization, na+ rushes in signal passed along as a cascade = Sensory input hits sensory neuron > integration (brain) where interneuron turns it into a motor output. > motor neuron sends it to effector cells that make the actual movement. Cns until it turns into a motor output.