BSC 120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ammonia, Renal Vein, Bohr Effect

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One long tube, open from mouth to anus. Amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. Organic molecules that are required in a very small amount. Golden rice : a transgenic variety being developed to address vitamin a deficiencies among poor. Calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, chloride, trace minerals. Essential fatty acids: only a few required. Fats are 3 long chain carbon molecules linked to a glycerol. Malnourishment: can cause deformities, disease, and death. Neural tube defects found to be the result of a deficiency in folic acid. Fuel taken out of storage and used. Humans use liver glycogen first, then muscle glycogen and fat. Only common in drought, war, or some other disruption of the food supply. Dietary fat has more of an effect on weight gain than others. Hunter-gatherers on the african savannah survived on seeds and plants. Petrels become obese as chicks; chicks must consume more cells than burn. Fat cells produce leptin signals hypothalamus to lower appetite.