ENV-0007 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Primary Production, Atmospheric Circulation, Nitrogen Cycle

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If we increased the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, what would happen to the marine systems: more acidic (carbonic acid) Then animals wont be able to form their shells. Plants that those animals eat increased, then nitrogen. The bridge between cyles is organismal concentrations may increase: we increase co2, plants can photosynthesize more efficiently they grow beter and there are more of them, increase in legume populations, which can effect nitrogen. Climate shifts- less water, less plants, erosion, increased in nitrogen, sulfur. Carbon cycle: the carbon is continually converted into different types of compounds, fossil fuels- former organic matter- respiration/ burning converts molecules into a gas form. Airborn in co2 or methane: comes down in the terrestrial- gross primary production (photosynthesis, mass in tree all came from carbon in the air, marine. Gas to liquid form- easier transition chemically- dissolved co2- the atmosphere can only hold so much.