OCTH 614 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cognitive Restructuring, Sensation Seeking, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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Know specific cognitive behavioral interventions and where indicated: cbt: person who is ready for reflection, work that we would do with cognitive restructuring, mindfulness, strategies. Be able to distinguish between levels/know characteristics of each/apply case and identify strategies to use with each level: level 1: automatic actions. Impaired awareness, but person is conscious/has reflection responses. Able to perform only very basic habits (eating/drinking) Responses are primarily instinctive: therapist response. Provide familiar cues (give plate of food and hand them a fork: level 2: postural actions. Aware of movements of their own muscles/joints. May be resistive/easily agitated: therapist response. Imitate gross motor actions and simultaneously provide simple verbal direction (watch me, then you try) Focus is on gross motor movements: level 3: manual actions. Able to attend to the external environment, particularly tactile cues. Use manually guided instruction: level 4: goal-directed actions. Attention is directed toward one cue at a time. Can attend a 1-hr group: therapist response.