FRSC 367 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Reference Beam, Microcomputer, Spectrophotometry

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All of the light passes through the sample cell. The reference (io) must be measured by removing the sample. The light is split into two beams before it reaches the sample (one as a reference and the other passes through the sample) Sample and reference beam measured at the same time. = (spectrophotometer + optical microscope) connected to a microcomputer. Use: allow us to compare the color of very small samples of materials such as single fibers, paint traces of ink on a forged document. Allow to distinguish two samples of similar color (compared with optical microscope which can"t) Precise measurement of color (gives numerical value for color) Analysis in the visible and uv range. Advantage: able to measure microscopic samples and spectra of larger samples with high spatial resolution. Wavenumber = frequency = energy reciprocal with wavelength. Vibration frequency depends on: amount of atoms.