BIOL 221 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Neuroglia, Trachea, Serous Membrane

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Chapter 1 introduction: definition and examples of homeostasis and homeostatic loops. Homeostasis- maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment. Examples are ph, oxygen, temperature, nutrient levels, carbon dioxide levels, etc homeostasis is broken into three parts- local, neural, and endocrine. Local is also known as intrinsic or autoregulation meaning it is self-regulating and does not have neurons or hormones. Neural and endocrine are a part of extrinsic which come from outside and involve neurons and hormones. Neural is fast responding and short acting while endocrine is takes longer to respond: components of homeostatic loops (receptor, integrator, effector) Receptor- gathers information from the outside and gives it to the integrator. Integrator- processes and adds up all the information, contains the set point and compares. If off of set point sends it to the effector. Effector modifies the original parameters and feeds it back to the receptor: positive and negative feedback.