SPED 2231 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Differentiated Instruction, Auditory Processing Disorder, Intellectual Disability

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Document Summary

Brown v. board of education - supreme court case that desegregated schools, opened the doors for parents of cwd to begin their lawsuits. Parc v. commonwealth - dealt with enrollment of cwd (mental age of 5), full access to fape, procedural due process for parents. Mills v. washington - dealt with suspension and expulsion, full access to fape, procedural due process for parents. Idea - outcome driven federal law with parts b for cwd 3-21 and cambodia for 0-3. Fape for all cwd, individualized, specifically designed instruction and related services. No child left behind (essa) - federal law- test students, accountability for results, scientifically based methods of teaching, goal to close achievement gap. Zero reject - idea principle that states schools may not exclude any student with a disability, ensure fape for everyone, applies to public and private school (if state puts a student in a private school)