RMI 2101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Financial Risk, Gross Negligence, Vicarious Liability

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Document Summary

Bad behavior or breaking a contract can lead to a lawsuit. Failure of a person to exercise proper degree of care. Burden of proof is on injured party. Usually easy to establish injury or damage occurred. Establishing amount of damage is usually difficult. Compensate for measurable losses, medical expenses, loss of income; easier to calculate (not simple). Amounts assessed as a form of punishment. Woman is trapped inside an elevator with a decapitated head of a man for 6 hours. Assumption of risk by the injured party. Plaintiff was partially to blame for what happened. One person becomes l. l. for negligent behavior of another. Employers are held responsible for actions of their employees acting within the capacity as employed. Negligence of two or more parties contributes to the injury of damage. Injured party may recover the entire amount of compensation form any negligent party who is able to pay regardless of the degree of that party"s negligence.