REL 0811 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Saturated Fat, Stanton Glantz, Reducing Sugar

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A big tobacco moment for the sugar industry. In may, 1994, a large fedex box arrived at the office of dr. stanton glantz, a public- health expert at the university of california, san francisco, who specialized in tobacco research. Inside the box were four thousand pages of internal memoranda and correspondence dating back to the nineteen-fifties from the files of brown & Williamson, which was then the third-largest tobacco company in the united states. But the implications of that work, performed by cristin kearns, a postdoctoral fellow at u. c. s. f. , and published this week in an article titled sugar industry and coronary heart disease research, in the. American medical association"s journal of internal medicine, are similarly dismaying. As part of that effort, john hickson, a sugar-industry executive, funded research by harvard scientists that was intended, explicitly, to exculpate sugar as a major risk factor for coronary heart disease and to cast blame instead on saturated fat.