PSY 3620 Study Guide - Final Guide: Arnold Gesell, Psychosexual Development, Puberty

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Used survival of the fittest and natural selection principals. Theorized that adolescence is a turbulent time of life characterized by vacillations between emotional extremes: arnold gesell. Biologically oriented-maturation comes from genes and biology. Genes determine the order of appearance of behavioral traits and developmental trends. Psychoanalytical and psychosocial views: sigmund freud. Described adolescence as a period of sexual excitement, anxiety, and sometimes personality disturbance. Puberty is the culmination of a series of changes destined to give infantile sexual life its final, adult form. Children derive pleasure from sexual objects outside their own bodies. They are drawn to members of the opposite sex who can resolve their tensions. According to freud, homosexuality was pathologized was something to be avoided: anna freud. The ego uses defense mechanisms to win the battle. The ego represses, displaces, denies, and reverses the instincts and turns them against the self, producing hysterical symptoms and building anxiety.