PSY 2301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ecological Systems Theory, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Evolutionary Developmental Psychology

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According to social learning theory, children learn primarily through modeling. Today, albert bandura"s theory stresses the importance of cogniion. According to bandura"s revised social-cogniive theory, as children grow older they become more selecive in what they imitate. Behavior modiicaion eliminates undesirable behaviors by combining condiioning and modeling. Many theorists believe that behaviorism and social learning theory ofer too narrow a view of important environmental inluences. According to jean piaget"s cogniive-developmental theory, children acively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore their world. Piaget"s view of development was greatly inluenced by his early training in biology. According to jean piaget, equilibrium is the balance between internal structures and informaion that children encounter in their everyday worlds. Jamar understands that a certain amount of liquid or clay remains the same even ater its appearance changes and can organize objects into hierarchies of classes and subclasses. According to piaget, jamar is in the concrete operaional stage of cogniive development.