PSY 2301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dishabituation, Habituation, Synaptogenesis

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Pruning: the process of eliminaion unused synapses. Plasicity: the ability of the brain to change in response to experience. Myelinizaion: a process in neuronal development in which sheaths made of a substance called myelin gradually cover individual axons and electrically insulate them from one another to improve the conducivity of the nerve. Reicular formaion: the part of the brain that regulates atenion. Adapive relexes: relexes, such as sucking that help newborn survive. Primiive relexes: relexes, controlled by primiive part of the brain, that disappear during the irst year of life. Colic: an infant behavior patern involving intense daily bouts of crying totaling 3 or more hours a day. Dynamic system theory: the view that several factors interact to inluence development. Infant mortality: death within the irst year of life. Sudden infant death syndrome (sids): a phenomenon in which an appendix healthy infant dies suddenly and unexpectedly. Visual acivity: how well one can see details at a distance.