PSY 2301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Learning Theory, Study Guide, Diana Baumrind

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23 Oct 2014

Document Summary

The following terms and definition will be covered on the third exam. Parenting styles: based on 2 dimensions: control (restrictive vs. permissive) and emotional support/warmth (supportive or indifferent) Diana baumrind and parenting styles: 2 dimensions allow for 4 categories, believed, authoritative to be best, warmth/support = positive outcomes [key dimension of secure attachment] Authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, uninvolved parenting styles: authoritative: restrictive & warm, democratic control by reasoning; balance authority. Kids have a voice: kids are well liked by friends and teachers, socially and in school. Gender identity: ability to recognize self as boy or girl, boys instrumental traits such as active, aggressive, dominant, ambitious, outspoken, females expressive traits such as kind, considerate, emotional, sensitive, passive. Gender constancy: gender regardless of context and situations, the understanding that gender is a component of the self that is not altered by external appearance.