PSY 2301 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Mental Health Professional, Medical Model, Psych

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11 May 2014

Document Summary

Psychological disorder- pattern of abnormal behavior that"s associated with states of emotional distress, such as anxiety or depression, or with impaired behavior or ability to function, such as difficulty getting a job or even distinguishing reality from fantasy. Abnormal psychology- the branch of psychology that studies abnormal behavior and ways of helping people who are affected by psychological disorders. Most people never seek the help of a mental health professional. Nearly 1 in 2 are directly affected by mental disorders at some point in their lives. More than 1 in 4 adult americans experience a diagnosable psychological disorder in any given year. Mental illness is derived from the medical model perspective that views abnormal patterns as a symptom of underlying illness. Emotional states such as anxiety and depression my be considered abnormal when they"re not appropriate to the situation. Abnormality my also be suggestive by the magnitude of the problem.