PSY 2301- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 28 pages long!)

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Assimilation as a process and what it refers to. More likely to have seen own mother abused as kids. Interpret children irritability as signs of disrespect/ rejection. Over time i will always be a boy/girl. Regardless of circumstances, im going to be a boy or girl. Btwn ages of 5-7, know have to understand things associated with boys. Gender schemas: organized bodies of knowledge with regard to gender. Instrumental behavior in boys as they get older. How do you reduce risk of sids? (sudden infant death syndrome) Do always put your baby to sleep on his back. Don"t put blankets or toys in her crib. Don"t smoke while pregnant, and don"t allow anyone to smoke around your infant. Don"t put your baby to sleep on his side. Repeatitive baby behaviors by baby with own body. Language is just a part of cognitive development.