PSY 1001- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 47 pages long!)

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Define and where appropriate give examples of each of the terms below: Personality: enduring patterns of thought, feeling, motivation and behavior that are expressed in different circumstances. Twin and adoption studies: used to separate genetic and environmental factors. Shared environmental: what siblings have in common. Psychic determinism: the assumption that all psychological events have a cause. Unconscious motivation: we rarely understand why we do what we do. Differences in our personalities stem largely from our learning histories. Personalities are the sum of habits acquired by classical and operant conditioning. Personality is under the control of genetic factors & reinforcement contingencies. Emphasizes learned aspects of personality and the person"s expectations and beliefs. Response tendencies are shaped by specific situations and contexts, reinforcement history, meaning and interpretation of events and situations & expectancies and competencies. Emphasis on the basic goodness of people, positive nature of humanity.