PSY 0816 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Occipital Lobe, Frontal Lobe, Temporal Lobe

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Memory (pp 219-230; 232-242: memory, jill price - good memory, memory - the ability to store and retrieve information over time. Three types of encoding processes: elaborative encoding, visual imagery encoding, organizational encoding, elaborative encoding, three judgements. Semantic judgement - think about the meaning of words: makes much better memories, rhyme judgement - think about the sound of the words. Most instances of spectacular memory performance reflect the skillful use of encoding strategies rather than so-called photographic memory. Long-term: sensory storage, holds sensory information for a few seconds or less, two types. Iconic memory - fast-decaying store of visual information. Echoic memory - a fast-decaying store of auditory information: hold info for a very short time. Iconic - decay in about a second or less. Echoic - decay in about five seconds: short-term storage and working memory, holds nonsensory information for more than a few seconds but less than a minute. I. e. if someone tells you a phone number.