PSY 0816 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Peripheral Nervous System, Human Body, Eyewitness Identification

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Efferent neurons - carry instructions form the central nervous system to our muscles or glands (i. e. instructions to move: aka efferent nerves or motor neurons. Peripheral nervous system feeds into 31 pairs of nerves within the spinal cord -> relays signals to the brain. Each branch reaches out to neighboring neurons and sues sensory proteins to detect chemical signals emitted by those neurons. The situation is then reversed for a few milliseconds, the interior suddenly flooding with positive charge. These contain an abundance of tiny spheres called vesicles: contain special chemicals - neurotransmitters - task is to amplify or modulate electrical signals being passed to neighboring neurons, various types, dopamine - involved in emotion and movement. Split into two hemispheres - looks like a giant walnut. Similar to other animals cerebellum: one of the earliest brain regions to evolve, occupy"s one tenth of the brain"s volume, receives and processes a range of inputs from the eyes, ears, balancing.