NSCI 1051 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Chemical Synapse, Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential, Unipolar Neuron

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Mind-brain problem: deals with what the mind is and what its relationship is to the brain. Monism: the idea that the mind and the body consist of the same substance. Most monists take the position that the body and mind and everything else are physical, called materialistic monism. Dualism: idea that the mind and the brain are separate. Glial cells: nonneutral cells that provide a number of supporting functions to neurons increase the speed of conduction in neurons. Myelin: a fatty tissue produced by glial cells that wraps around the axon to insulate it from the surrounding fluid and from other neurons. Produced in the brain and spinal cord by a oligodendrocytes, type of glial cell in the rest of the nervous system by schwann cells. Nodes of ranvier: gaps in the myelin sheath triggers an action potential. Saltatory conduction: jumps from node to node in a form of transmission.