NSCI 1051 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Motor Neuron, Triceps Brachii Muscle, Alpha Motor Neuron

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Lower motor neurons are in spinal cords that are . Lower motor circuits are alpha motor neurons. Patellar tendon reflex is not due to golgi tendon reflex. Extrafusal: fibers along outside of muscle; produce force; Intrafusal: fibers along inside of muscle; contract at same time as extrafusal; muscles spindles located here; T/f question: motor neurons on distal or axial. They fire most rapidly when joystick is moved only in a certain direction. Anticipatory postural control prevents us from losing balance when we perform a movement. The cerebellum makes adjustments to keep movements accurate. The prism glasses experiment showed that people who had a damaged cerebellum never adapted to the diverted gaze and made inaccurate dart throws. However, the patients with a functioning cerebellum adapted to the diverted gaze eventually and then re-adapted their throws to normal gaze when the prism glasses were removed. (cid:888).