NSCI 1051 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lightdark, Second Messenger System, Occipital Lobe

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Dorsal means toward top (brain) and back (spine). Optic nerve; know what cranial nerves do: send motor commands out to neck, bring in stimuli. Know segments of spine and order of them, ie cranial, thorasic, etc. Figure a5: might have dorsal column as labeling; Cerebellum is involved in motor timing and motor learning. Vertical processing: on-center ganglion (fires more when light is on center) and off-center ganglion cell (fires more when light is off center). Mc: depends on what kind of bipolar cell it is linked to. Off center pathway: if you shine light and photoreceptor in off center ganglion picks it up, it will hyperpolarize, and bipolar cell will release less glutamate. On center pathway: if you shine light and photoreceptor in on center ganglion picks it up, releases less glutamate, it will depolarize. Surround cones do opposite of center cone and vice versa. B has minimally excited in light while maximally inhibited in dark.