MSP 2701 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vanishing Point, Electronic News-Gathering, Video Tape Recorder

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Tv production: how do we tell stories that will have an immediate / lasting impact? (1) content (2) visuals: content: where you are (close or afar, visual: what you see (as it happens or after) Electronic news gathering (eng): using the portability of both the video camera / videotape recorder to document news events: limited pre-production (production, general audience, 1 camera. Electronic field production (efg): using the portability of both the video camera / videotape recorder to curate non-news events: extensive pre-production, specific audience, multi-camera set. Similarities: stories about people through people, strong content - close to action as possible, strong visuals - you see it as it happens. Framing and composition (make your work professional) By perspective: wide shot (ws - establishing shot, medium shot (ms, close-up(cu, extreme close-up (ecu) By physical movement: zoom, tilt, pan, dolly or truck (in / out or side/ side, crane (up or down)