MIS 3504 Study Guide - Final Guide: Business Rule, Brainstorming, Cardinality

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Design process: define the problem, create and consider many options, refine selected directions. 3. 5 repeat (optional: pick the winner, execute. Create a persona: how will they use your solution. Create a scenario: show us how it works. Ideo"s 7 rules for brainstorming: defer judgement, encourage wild ideas, build on the ideas of others, stay focused on the topic, one conversation at a time, be visual, go for quantity. Understanding how the client will control their work and decisions. Keep business rules as simple as possible. Describes a policy, guideline, standard or regulation upon which the business operates. A statement that defines or constrains some aspect of the business. It is intended to assert business structure, or to control or influence the behavior of the business. Textual statement that defines the rule exactly and unambiguously. Each rule has a unique identifier (ex. Usually documented or managed in a separate catalogue or table.