LGLS 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Kim Kardashian, False Imprisonment, Swimming Pool

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Can be federal, state, or municipal levels. Common law how it works and examples. Judicial can interpret the law and establish standards of care. Players parties, lawyers, etc. (know their names and functions) Court officer- swears witnesses in, keeps track of exhibits, and supervises jury. Civil- private disputes between people and organizations. Criminal- deal with issues that are harmful to society as a whole. Binding- have to follow this, must use prior precedents from courts above. Persuasive- helpful, courts do not have to follow this by law but they can. Dunfee was driving drunk with his girlfriend (kokoda) in the passenger seat and plaintiff in the back (champion). Dunfee was speeding and kokoda told him to slow down but he didn"t and crashed the car =, injuring the plaintiff in the back. Plaintiff is suing dunfee and then dunfee is suing kokoda saying that she had a duty to stop him from driving drunk.