CSCD 3301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pragmatics, Inflection, Behaviorism

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Infants: coos and babbles show signs of comprehension (head turning when name called) Toddlers: first words (bye-bye, all gone), start to label people and objects. Language - language is the systematic and conventional use of sounds (or signs, or written symbols) for the purpose of communication or self-expression. Children develop knowledge of these concurrently (at the. Knowledge in one domain is often used in acquiring. Phonology - the sound system of the language same time) knowledge in another: being able to distinguish between/vat/ and /bat/, recognizing that /narg/ could be an english word but that /ngar/ could not. Lexicon - vocabulary and processes of derivational morphology: knowing the meaning of words and how to form new words (e. g. , if narg is a verb, then a narger is someone who nargs) Morphology/syntax the systems that govern inflectional: knowing the difference in meaning between man bites dog and dog bites man, knowing that man bite dog and.