[CIS 0935] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (12 pages long)

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We are on the base 10 system. Theres 10^0 all the way up to 10^9. There are a number of bases, including base 2. All of the characters on the keyboard are represented by ascii. In ascii, for example, a = 65. so we only need 2^6 and 2^1 (which adds up as 64 + 1 = 65) There are 256 unique combinations of 0 and 1 which can represent the letters on the keyboard. Cyber security is a growing and ever-changing eld. It has become a requirement for most careers. Today digital literacy is closely aligned with nancial opportunity and independence. It combines hardware and software to accept the input of data. It will process and store the data to produce useful output. In today"s world, it can be represented by a variety of devices. Computers have transformed the world, bringing some good and some bad.