BIOL 4376 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Vancomycin, Methicillin, Gram-Negative Bacteria

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Key abbreviations: mrsa: methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, mssa: methicillin-sensitive staphylococcus aureus, strepto: streptococci, enteroc: enterococci. Spectrum of activity important note/caveats: coverage is general and not a universal truth, depth of coverage is not indicated well here, differences between drugs within a class often exist, differences between species within a category often exist, ex. Between e. coli and enterobacter cloacae: not every organism is here. The cell walls of gram positive and gram-negative organisms are different. Pharmacology: absorption: iv or po, distribution: very short half lives (30 minutes) therefore frequent dosing is required, elimination: renal. Unique characteristics: penicillin g (pcn g or benzyl-penicillin, penicillin v (pcn v or phenoxymethyl-penicillin, absorption: iv only, absorption: po only. Adverse effects: methicillin removed from market due to adverse effects, absorption: iv or po, distribution: contains bulky r group that inhibits many beta lactamases, elimination: hepatic or renal. Unique characteristics: absorption: iv | elimination: hepatic, absorption: iv | elimination: hepatic, absorption: po | elimination: renal.