[SPE 203] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 15 pages long Study Guide!

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7 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Cognitive development- development of in increasingly sophisticated thinking, reasoning and language. Four principles of development: sequence of development is somewhat predictable. Many universals marked by developmental milestones: children develop at different rates, development is marked by periods of relatively rapid growth (spurts) and slower growth (plateaus, heredity and environment interact on development. Maturation- gradual, genetically controlled process of physical advancements. Nature vs nurture--- can not detangle interactions. Sensitive periods- time periods during which certain environmental conditions are important for development. Children can choose their environments and actively think, act and alter their environment. These layers impact culture- behaviors and beliefs of a long standing group. Environments are dynamic systems encompassing mutually influencing variables that are in constant flux. Exosystem- friends of family, neighbors, mass media, social welfare systems, community. Mesosystem- relationships between the microsystems (a child neglected by parents may struggle with self-esteem) Microsystem- direct environment (family, friends, classmates, teachers, close neighbors)