SOC 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Hull House, Proletariat, Total Institution

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30 Sep 2016

Document Summary

The personal troubles of milieu and the public issues of social structure : personal- public issues/ social structure, anybody"s son will do by gwynne dyer a. Method for turning young men into soldiers- people who kill other people and expose themselves to death- basic training: humans are fairly malleable c. Begins at puberty or before, when the young boy is immersed in a disciplined society that only military values penetrate d. Conversion process is almost religious, emotions are important: shock treatment, strip them of identity f. Before civilization men hunted and women gathered j. ii. Believe in high levels of conformity: levels of order, rules, stability, socialization is taught, roles expected. High levels of explicit instruction to be practiced: socialization begins at birth; no playpens, only contact with parents. So that people will be kind and gratify your wishes: elementary schools- socializes children. Let us not run in the corridor : students make goals, have self criticism sessions.