SOCI 205 Study Guide - Final Guide: Spritsail, Anomie, Theism

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March 21, 2016: politics: process in which we attempt to come to a place where we can communicate with each other and work things out without war. April 1, 2016: how to increase profit: cheaper labor. Frontstage v. backstage: systemic racism: white racism is- Not simply an incidental, undesirable component of an otherwise healthy american society. Powerful racialized emotions: racial stereotypes and prejudices. Racist institutions have been reinforced by violence, elite rhetoric, Institutions in which the fore going are imbedded every day discourse, family, religion and entertainment. April 4, 2016: economic impact of systemic racism, unjust enrichment of white americans. Unjust impoverishment of black americans: point: its not a simple argument of my family didn"t own slaves or i"m not racist, but there is an overall system of viewing and interpreting that whites have. Lecture notes: science and religion serve social purposes- have pragmatic functions. Associate nations institutions, history, values, with divine favor or some ultimate plan.