PSYC 307 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Object Permanence, Prefrontal Cortex, 18 Months

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First 4 months- infants have no sense of seld and may see themselves as part of their mothers. 5months- infants begin to develop an awareness of themselves as separate from their mothers. 15-18 months- emergence of self as me . 18 months- recognize themselves in the mirror under 1- don"t recognize themselves in the mirror, (think its another person) Sleeping arrangements (co-sleeping with parents)- cultures differ how normal it is. Know a few terms related to what is not normal: shaken baby syndrome. Why a baby will stop crying- the blood vessels break and nerve connection separate: head sparing. Brain development: know structures, terms, and functions: cortex, prefrontal cortex, neuron, dendrite, axon, neurotransmitters, myelination, pruning- know this, synaptic gap- space between the. Lisa had a normal weight at birth but then went through a period of malnourishment. This is an example of: head-sparing, 1st non essential places wont get blood.